No Food, Just Thoughts.

Sometimes you just know. You know with every fiber of your being. And sometimes you don’t. God’s been changing up my “know” plans so much I’ve grown accustom to being in the dark about everything lately. For a planner this is an uncomfortable place. Very uncomfortable. Top that with the comfort of being ‘evenly tempered’…

I can’t tell if its killing me or its making me stronger.

There are defining moments in life where everything you thought you knew is turned inside out, dissected and exposed for the truth it is. This isn’t a revelation to most. In fact, if you’ve experienced heartache, in any form, you’ve most likely had a defining moment. I’ve had a whole week of defining! (Hence, the…

Lovely Ones!

This is what most ‘blog nights’ look like. Tonight is not about a recipe, but instead about food and you. Bright and early tomorrow morning I will be boarding a plane and heading to Nebraska for the next few days (my real job calls). So as I sit here ready to update all of you…